Polyline 3D Drawing


Talofa lava today room 3 class for cybersmart is polyline 3d drawing.Hope you enjoy my my polyline 3d drawing. Tofa Soifua Manuia le aso.

Tautua Ile alofa, Manuia Ile lumana’i (Serve in love for a blessed future)

One thought on “Polyline 3D Drawing

  1. Hi Selesa

    I love your polyline drawing, you did so well! Great work on ordering the toys and making it look as though they were inside the box.

    My name is Whaea Kerry, and I made this Cybersmart Challenge. Do you think it was too easy or hard? What could I have done to make it better?

    If you were to make a story about the toy box, what would you tell?

    Keep up the good work!

    Whaea Kerry

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